Friday, December 4, 2009


- wave pattern of attraction / visual excitement
- network of strokes - resembling thoughts / reactions
- the network binds the veil / mask with the object behind

- colour coding based on the visual aspects of colour


1. study the binding network?
2. study the concealed element/space?

- a veil also takes a ripple form
- ripples can also cause some sort of flux or the binding energy causes flux

Flux - surface bombardment rate

- Forces binding the veil to the surface/object bombards the object
- surface / object deformation??

To do:
- surface bombardment depiction??

Big question:
- where is this leading to?

Another point:

- does the network of energy maps create another mesh/veil in the in-between space?
- does the space be considered as a twilight zone? Neither here nor there? A creation of a new object which is in between visible and concealed?

- energy bombardment creating a chaotic mess in the space between the veil and the concealed object/surface
- formulate a language for the chaos???

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